stop sweating and start living | Big bluff was exposed on Channel 2

stop sweating and start living Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, said today (Sunday) first speech since deposed from his position that the allegations of corruption raised against him and his family and baseless sweating , and stop sweating that it has the right to maintain his dignity and reputation. "Apayl the legal interests in order to protect my name and my family," said Mubarak accused the Egyptian media Bahachpstho stop sweating and start living.
Mubarak's speech after the attorney general took place in Egypt this morning claimed that the deposed president and his family hide Egyptian capital stands at 700 billion dollars in cash and gold and other valuables, out of Egypt. Document uncovered in the Washington Post noted that the Attorney General Mubarak and his sons, stop sweating and start living Gamal Alaa, violated the laws that prohibit the "possession of public fund assets, profiteering and exploitation of power", when stop sweating used in programs to draw business investment and personal assets.

According to the figures,
sweating  the capital in the hands of the Mubarak family is much higher than earlier estimates that were on that assessment may be exaggerated stop sweating and start living. Previous data on the amounts stolen by the deposed president spoke of the billion to 70 billion dollars.

The current report, spread across 12 pages entitled "Request for Legal Aid, seeks to create a constitutional basis under the law to return properties belonging to the Egyptian people stop sweating. Egyptian official told the Washington Post that the request was sent to countries where an estimated that the Mubarak family retains its properties
sweating .

State official representative denied the news. "This is a deliberate rumor mill," said that Mubarak and his family amassed a huge fortune during their rule and hid it outside the country stop sweating and start living.